The Coronavirus Pandemic is both speeding up change and adding pressure to the operations and leadership of Not of Profits. These pressure are likely to continue well into a world where the Pandemic is brought under control.
Increased demands on services, reduced funding and generally a changed and tougher operating environment may cause those in the leadership of not for profits (both Boards and in management) to consider if it is time for more partnerships or indeed mergers.
As someone who has been through the process a few times in different roles (as advisor, as Director and as Chair) I know how daunting and confusing it can be.
To assist I have compiled "NOT FOR PROFIT PARTNERSHIPS AND MERGERS: CONCEPTS AND CHECKLISTS" (which can be downloaded from free from the Resources Section of the MC Two website) summarising the concepts and checklists I used to inform my thinking.
I am not advocating for merger. I am advocating for an informed and structured review of all available strategic options.